The Club was founded on April 13, 1987, and sponsored by the Groton-Ledyard Rotary Club. The initial membership of the Ledyard Rotary Club was 27, under the Presidency of Bob Craft. Our current President is leading the Ledyard Rotary Club into its 17th year. Our club currently has 33 members. See the "Meeting Information" page for current locations and times. The cost is $10.00 for visiting Rotarians or guests. Our address is: Ledyard Rotary Club, P.O. Box 605, Ledyard, CT 06339 and our website is: www.ledyardrotary.org
The LEDYARD ROTARY CLUB currently has several major fundraisers annually, in addition to the ongoing funds raised at weekly meetings through contributions, "Good News/Bad News," and a raffle. In 2002-2003, a raffle of a 100th-anniversary edition Harley-Davidson motorcycle raised thousands of dollars for our club. A Bowl-A-Thon, held annually in the summer or fall, has raised over $10,000.00 since its inception in the mid-1990s. Prior to the major prize raffle, the Ledyard Rotary Club presented annual spring dinner theaters, complete with gourmet dinners and very professionally performed comedy plays. All chefs, wait staff, actors & actresses, set designers, sound & lighting crew & support personnel were Ledyard Rotary Club members and their families and friends. Plays have included "The Good Doctor" (1992), "Squabbles" (1993), "Bedside Manners" (1994), "No Time Like The Present" (1995), "Wally's Café" (1996), "Greater Tuna" (1997), and "Moon Over Buffalo" (1998). Prior to the dinner theaters, Christmas trees were sold as an annual club fundraiser.
Funds are distributed primarily to local organizations, concentrating on the Ledyard Schools. Other organizations supported by The Ledyard Rotary Club include, but are not limited to: Adopt A Highway, Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center, Family Service, Focus on Hunger (sponsored by Norwich Rotary), Habitat For Humanity of Southeastern Connecticut, Haitian Health Foundation (Dr. Jeremy Lowney), Ledyard Food Locker (Holiday Food Baskets), Ledyard High School Athletic Booster Club, Ledyard High School Drug and Alcohol Free Graduation Party, Ledyard High School Music Department, Ledyard Interchurch Emergency Fund, Ledyard Public Libraries, Ledyard Transport, Men Against Destruction, People To People, Regional Multi-Cultural Magnet School, Rotary Foundation (Paul Harris Fellow Awards), Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (Ledyard High School students), SIDS Network, Special Olympics (regional, state and international games including one year the games were held at Connecticut College in New London), Student Recognition Awards (Ledyard Middle School and Ledyard High School), Submarine Memorial Parade, and Three Rivers Family Program.
The Student Recognition Awards, mentioned above, is one of our club's primary and ongoing projects. These awards are presented annually to students from both Ledyard Middle School and Ledyard High School. The students are nominated by their teachers for outstanding performance in any area. Recipients are selected on any or all of the following attributes: citizenship, scholarship, athletics, music, and attendance. The award consists of a certificate and a check for $50.00 (Middle School) or a certificate and a check for $300.00 (High School). The selected students, their parents, and their nominating teachers are invited to our club for breakfast to be recognized for their achievements. The Johnson Scholarship was established by Ledyard Rotary in 2009 to memorialize Mr. Johnson’s legacy of service, to promote the values and ideals of Rotary, and to inspire and support a new generation of community leaders. Although applicants must be of good academic standing, the scholarship is primarily a leadership and community service award.
The LEDYARD ROTARY CLUB also volunteers time as well as donating funds. Some of the activities our club members have donated their time to include: Adopt A Highway quarterly cleanup (Route 12, Gales Ferry), Erikson Property cleanup (Gales Ferry), Habitat For Humanity, Ledyard Fair, Ledyard Fair Grounds Gazebo Project, Ledyard High School Drug and Alcohol-Free Graduation Party (chaperones), and the Ledyard Memorial Day Parade. We have also changed the batteries in the smoke detectors in Ledyard's Senior Housing complex. At each weekly meeting, The LEDYARD ROTARY CLUB hosts a speaker program. Speakers have included club members and other Rotarians, politicians, students, educators, charitable groups both local and worldwide, Rotarians from foreign lands (Group Study Exchange), health organizations, storytellers, and sports figures (i.e., Norwich Navigators), among others. A club business meeting is held once a month as well.
In 1999, LEDYARD ROTARY FOUNDATION, INC. was formed. Since that time, thousands of dollars have been raised by our Foundation and given directly back to our community. The Ledyard Rotary Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501 c(3) organization and an affiliate of the Ledyard Rotary Club. All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible, as allowed by IRS regulations. Dedicated to supporting programs that serve the local community and advancing the needs of Rotary International, the Foundation supports causes that enhance educational opportunities, improve quality of life, improve access to health care, address social problems, advance charitable giving, or provide emergency relief. The Foundation exists primarily for the benefit of Ledyard and Gales Ferry residents but also supports regional, national, and international programs. The creation of this Foundation represented a major step forward in living up to the motto of Rotary, "Service Above Self." Though a small club, we accomplished a lot and had a wonderful time doing it.
Updated 06/2013
Doug Chung, Club Historian
Email: tabascotenpin@comcast.net
2022 Sam Kilpatrick, Terry Jones (3rd)
2021 Rich Burton, Larry Erhart, Ed Lynch, Ellen Swercewski
2018 Terry Jones (2nd), Doug Chung (2nd), Stacie Chung
2017 Rachel Albers & Fred Allyn, Jr.
2016 Edward "Bill" Day
2015 Anthony G. Saccone, Sr. & Larry Erhart
2014 Sharon Wadecki, Karen Goetchius, & Bill Merrill
2013 Marie Holman
2012 Bob Reimer & Sharon Hightower
2011 Peter Green
2007 Ron Miller & Steve Goetchius
2006 Michael Stotts, Bill Stone, Sue McConnell & Sean McGuckin
2005 Wesley Johnson (deceased)
2003 Mary McGrattan & Tom Reynolds
2002 Larry Olsen & Liz Smith
2001 Natali Tremblay
2000 Doug Chung
1999 Fred Allyn, Jr.
1998 Ellie Green
1997 Amber Grysells (deceased)
1996 Robert O. Brown, Sr. (deceased) & Francis Terrell Jones
1994 Jane Walsh
1993 Jann A. Neilsen & Norman L. Owsley
1992 Neal Ganz & Jennifer Gilletti
1991 Peter Spanos & Gail R. Williamson
1989 William Dodson
2023-2024: Scott Johnson
2022-2023: Sam Roudebush
2021-2022 Sam Kilpatrick
2020-2021 Sam Roudebush
2019-2020 Rob Hanna
2018-2019 Jay Hartling
2017-2018 Mike Chin
2016-2017 Bill Stone
2015-2016 Rob Hanna
2014-2015 Sam Kilpatrick
2013-2014 Carol Christiansen
2012-2013 Fred Allyn
2011-2012 David Thompson
2010-2011 Doug Meyer
2009-2010 Bill Merrill
2007-2009 Bob Reimer
2007 Sam Roudebush
2006-2007 Steve Goetchius
2005-2006 William Stone
2004-2005 Wesley Johnson
2003-2004 Chris Albanese
2002-2003 Peter Green
2001-2002 Fred Allyn
2000-2001 Dave Toth
1999-2000 Fran Newton
1998-1999 Dick Alexander
1997-1998 Bruce McIntyre
1996-1997 Doug Chung
1995-1996 Jennifer Gilletti
1994-1995 Wesley Johnson
1993-1994 Pat Neilsen
1992-1993 Art Hammer
1991-1992 Bill King
1990-1991 Fred Allyn
1989-1990 Bill Stowe
1988-1989 Henry Ashmore
1987-1988 Bob Craft